29 May 2011

"You are invited to a show after dinner, love, Jane and Lizzy"

This year I missed the girls' school program so their teacher sent a cd home for them with all of the music on it. Tonight we gathered in the living room and watched their "show". Apparently, Natalie has been practicing with them at night. I was so proud of how well they learned the music and Natalie had me laughing as she watched and copied her sisters. She knew almost half of the music. What great little teachers the twins are! This song is in Chinese. (half of the first graders at the school are in a Chinese immersion program.)


Unknown said...

That was great! Maybe they can come and teach Jake how to sing. He still claims he doesn't know how and won't sing a word in primary. I am so impressed with the chinese. They weren't singing about me were they??

Contessa Elegante said...

Love it! That is awesome!!

Unknown said...

My favorite is Natalie. She's such a cutie!