10 August 2011


I figured I'm waaaay behind on this blogging thing so I'd better blog about SOMEthing. Here are some of my happenings/thoughts of late:

About 5 months ago I gave my mom $400 to put away for an upcoming expense we thought we would have. It didn't come, however, and I forgot about the money until this week. The problem was that neither my mom nor I could remember where we hid it. It prompted my mom to clean out her closet and dresser-very thoroughly. She didn't find it, but found lots of other good stuff. After 2 days of praying, she thought to randomly look in a decorative gravy boat that is displayed on a shelf above the kitchen sink. Random. But there it was! Now I remember we laughed about it when we put it in there. Because it's "gravy". Get it? Gravy?

Moving. Yes we are still planning on moving. No, we haven't found a house yet. Amazingly, we feel quite calm about it all. We check listings daily, have contacted a handful of real estate agents, and nothing is moving along. At all. The only one in the works is our favorite and the best deal for the house. However, the homeowners are waiting to hear back about a job and since it's in Hawaii, everything is vague, relaxed, and well....slow. So we're still waiting. The biggest news on this is that we know we're not leaving until September, which has eased some stress but created another kind. I am really sad, though, to be leaving my singing group. It's been so long since I've been able to just relax and "talk shop" with other moms. Overall I'm excited about the move. The kids are only concerned that it have some sort of playhouse or trampoline. Go figure.

I am currently in the throes of designing a new bedroom. I'm going to make a padded head board and have already recovered a cushion for a chair I'm putting in there. I've picked fabric for the curtains and I'm now trying to decide upon the PERFECT comforter/duvet cover. I think I'll go with blue. It's a fun distraction.

I'm also trying to take care of all of our medical appointments before we move. Liam is due for his yearly checkup at Primary Children's. Sometimes, I wonder if it's even worth it. What can they do, really. But I did my customary research and this year, there seem to be some new treatments available that don't include chemotherapy. Liam also failed a hearing test which worried me until we got to the ENT who gave him another test which he passed. He has perfect hearing in BOTH ears...when they're not filled with fluid.

Home school is going well and I am having fun with the kids. It's been an adventure but every day I realize again that this is what Heavenly Father wants for my family right now. Today, I got to bear my testimony about tithing and see that they were ALL listening. On Sunday, my oldest 3 bore strong testimonies about the Holy Ghost. We had spent the last 5 weeks talking about the 4 principles of the gospel. I didn't know that they had absorbed so much of what I had been teaching. It was worth EVERY SECOND of my time and effort.


Jason Findlay said...

I am continuously amazed by you. I definitely married UP. I have the best wife in the whole world. Ever.

Unknown said...

Why didn't you tell me you were making a headboard! I am making a headboard too! There was a 60% off sale of all waverly fabrics at joanns. did you see it? I will send you a sample of the one I ordered

Unknown said...

Can I just tell you I love you? I love you!

Marianne said...

Michelle, I got goosebumps all over reading your last paragraph. And please please please post pictures of the bedroom projects...they sound so fun! I didn't know you were home schooling your kids! I sometimes wish my girls didn't like school so much so I could keep them home. But, I think they'd get bored of me :0)