22 August 2013

Just Stuff

I know I'm way behind on this thing.  But so much has happened- to much really to catch up on, so here are some random things that have happened lately. The video shows how fast Amelia has already grown.  She loves, LOVES her brothers and sisters and coos a lot during the day.
 She is still the best sleeper EVER at night but doesn't like to take long naps unless she's being held.  So I never seem to get much done.

  In other news, Eli found this big dog at the Findlay reunion and chased it around and around.  My other kids were all scared to death of it but he couldn't get enough.  He also couldn't get enough Cheetos and pop.  He kept opening cans of pop, drinking a few sips, and then getting another to try.

The house is still in disarray.  We currently have cement for a floor in the kitchen as a prep for the tile they'll be laying.  Soon.  I hope.  We are living with dust and paper plates and lots of visits to Grandma's.  We are so grateful for all the love and support that our family and ward have given us.  Jason and I will remember this as the "summer of fire" but the kids will remember the fun at the hotels and grandma's and having Daddy home so much.All in all, I think the whole experience has blessed our family enough to make all the inconvenience and trials worth it.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You guys are amazing. I'm in awe of your ever positive attitude about this whole ordeal. Best of luck that the kitchen gets done ASAP! :)