31 October 2014


Our little Amelia may not be able to say many words, but she's sure got a handle on things when it comes to performing.

Pumpkin harvest

I grew these babies in the garden this year. The kids have all been involved. Even Amelia took the time to pat them every day. I thought it was funny the kids decided they needed to load them into the wheelbarrow to get them to the porch. (I would have just rolled em myself. )
Also, these trees at my kids' school have been favorites of mine since I was a student there. 

Family pictures

08 October 2014

This kid is a TEENAGER?!!

Ben turned 13 today and so now I'm freaking out. We had to have the "you need to shower EVERY DAY"  and the BRUSH your teeth there will be girls there" talks. It's also time for the talk about deodorant. 
We went to the discovery park tonight and let the kids run. Jason is in Logan doing a concert so we celebrated last night at Menchies with him. 

Ben is a caring kid. He is Amelia's favorite right now and no matter how bad his teenage hormonal anger is he always softens his voice (and talks high enough to make it crack) when he talks to her. He is a hard worker and saved up his own money to pay for rec basketball. He's is doing half time at the jr. High and half time homeschool this year. He wishes he could spend the whole B day playing basketball, soccer, and Legos. But of course I make sure he does other stuff. 
Eli drew on his face with permanent marker and looks awesome. He gave himself spots instead of glasses this time. 
Twin love. Presh. 
This baby wants to be outside ALL day. She loves dirt and sand.