I got tagged by Carly and now I'm passing this on to Kristen, Mom, Shawna, and Heather. It's long but fun.
What book are you reading now?READ? That sounds heavenly. I haven't read anything but scriptures for a few weeks but the last book I read was Emma. Sometimes it's nice to re-aquaint yourself with the classics.
2. What are your favorite books? (You can put specific books or genres or both.)My favorite genres are mystery and romance. Okay, I admit it, I like cheesy romance. I have too many favorites, which change according to my mood. Usually up at the top is "Mrs. Mike" by Benedict and Nancy Freeman. I also enjoy children's books like "The Enchantress of Crumbledown" and "The Chronicles of Narnia."
3. How did you learn to read?I'm sure my mom had a lot to do with it but my memories are sketchy. I remember sitting in Mrs. Ruff's giant clawfoot bathtub that she stuffed with pillows reading giant books about Clifford the Big Red Dog.
4. What foreign languages do you read?I used to be able to read French almost fluently but I'm out of practice now. Someday I'll take another class and get back into it....
5. What 's the funniest book you ever read?That's a really hard one. I don't generally like books that DON'T have at least some humor in them. The book that keeps coming to my mind is one about a woman who suddenly and unexpectedly finds out she's pregnant with her fifth baby...I laughed a lot during that one.
6. What books have changed the way you look at the world?This will sound trite but I read "The Peacegiver" and I have always thought of repentance and the Savior differently since then. I see more clearly how they relate to me.
7. What books have you changed your mind about?I can't think of one. I usually make up my mind right at the beginning of the book as to whether or not I like it. I won't waste my time if the beginning is boring and the end (which, yes I often peek at) is stupid and anticlimactic.
8. What are some of the scariest books you've ever read?I hate scary movies so I usually avoid those kinds of books too. I do like a good mystery though so I guess any of those would qualify for scary. Jason and I used to read them out loud to each other when we were newlyweds.
9. About how many books do you think you have you read in your life?
A lot. Too many to count.
10. About how many books do you own? Not as many as I would like to. I'm a big fan of the library.
11. How many books per month do you usually borrow from the library?
Only one or two. I don't have as much time to read at this stage in my life as I'd like to. When my kids are all in school maybe...
12. Do you read in bed?Yes. Sometimes Jas has to sleep with the light on. I can't go to sleep when I have an unfinished book.
13. Do you ever read while walking or driving?No.
14. Where is the strangest place you've read a book?I can't think of anywhere strange but the most original I can think of is while riding a bus through Italy and into Austria.
15. Do you listen to audio books? Not usually. I have a hard time reconciling what I picture to be the character's voice and the voice used in the recording.
16. Has anyone ever read aloud to you or you to them? Tell us more?
My husband and my mom. I have a lot of good memories of mom reading outloud every night. Also, Jason and I read together a lot. (As long as it's not romance. )
17. What book was the most difficult to read?Nothing that's difficult to read is worth it as a form of entertainment. However, textbooks and the scriptures definitley qualify.
18. Do you read every word of a book, or skip parts that don't hold your interest?I'm a fast reader. I skim a lot the first time to find out what happens and then I'll usually go back and re-read the book.
19. What books do you keep intending to read but put off?Maybe more of Dickens? And more poetry.
20. Do you buy new or used books, paperbacks or hardbacks, leather or collector's items?I have a fetish for beautiful books but nowhere to keep them and no money to buy them with. I'd love to have a whole room lined with bookshelves full of beautiful leather bound books.
21. How do you feel about writing in books, dog earing, etc.The only books I write in are textbooks. I wouldn't ever dog ear a book but I'm always losing my bookmarks so it happens on occaision.
22. What is the worst book you remember reading?I hated "The Secret Lives of Bees". Some of you will probably shoot me for saying it but I only made it a few chapters in before I threw it away.
23. Do you lend your books?Anytime.
24. What were your favorite books when you were a child?Beverly Cleary was a definite favorite. I love her Ramona books and have read a lot of them to Ben already. She has a funny sense of humor. I also enjoed the Anne of Green Gables series and books about the early American pioneers.
25. What books would you especially recommend to young people?"
Harry Potter books are honestly amazing and any child that hasn't read them should start. So magical and fun. I didn't want to like them, but I finally gave in after the second book had come out and I've been hooked ever since." -Carly Gates. Amen. Amen. ANYTHING that makes reading something they want to do.
26. Do you ever read the ending first?I almost always peek. Shame on me, I know.
27. Have you ever read a book more than once? If so, mention them and
why you read them more than once.If I've spent the time to read an entire book it's because I really liked it, therfor, I'd read it again.
28. What frequently recommended books have you been unable to finish?Dickens. I love the way he builds characters and pulls you into his world. The problem is it's such a dark place so often that I hesitate. When I read I become completely absorbed in the book that I start to talk like the characters. It's too hard not to feel the depression of Dicken's era.
29. List some of your favorite authors.Wow. Um...just the popular ones, i.e. J.K. Rowlings and Jane Austen. I also still enjoy Beverly Cleary, Lillian Jackson Braun. I don't usually pick the book for the author. I choose books that have been reccommended to me or that sound interesting.
30. You're stranded on a desert island and you can only have one book. What is it?Something really long to get the most entertainment out of it before I get to the end.