Natalie has grabby hands. You know that part on "The Incredibles" where Helen is all stretched out and stuck in the doors? You see her hand reaching around for the bad guy and then she punches him and knocks him out? I experienced that at the hands of my innocent little girl last night. Several times. I'm glad I don't have a black eye today. She also likes to feel around for my jugular, and then HIYAH! Karate chop to the throat. Why? She's half asleep, WHY- I ASK YOU must she flail her arms and dimpled little fists about my

face and throat. This went on last night for FOUR HOURS! I kid you not. Now, let's add to the equation: I must have been more tired than I thought because instead of taking my antacid, I accidentally took one of Ben's sleeping pills. Soooo, in addition to the judo match, we add THE WORST HEARTBURN IN THE HISTORY OF HEARTBURN and super dizzy brain from the sleeping pill. When will that last stubborn molar poke through?
Of course, when we woke up this morning, she climbed up into bed with me, chattering happily, and gave me a big slobbery kiss and a luvey. Ahhhhh.....all is forgiven.
i'm sorry! but i have to laugh i got a really funny image in my mind as i was reading your experience. i hope you are fully recovered from the abuse!
You and your kids are adorable. Love ya!
Aww! I love that age!
I am sorry to laugh at your expense Michelle. Thanks for making me smile. I am glad you have a darling baby that can "make it up to you" with kisses and loves. :)
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