Random thoughts:
- Dealing with insurance is a sticky business. BUT, I would rather call my insurance company every day than have to deal with medicaid again. The end.
- I am addicted to pinterest. However, I reserve the right to "pin" things but never attempt to make anything I pin.
- My kids are GOOD kids. Holy cow. They have really been through a lot, and when you add medication and stuff to the load, I think they are holding up really well, and anyone who thinks (insert JUDGES) otherwise didn't take the time to get to know them.
- I went to Missouri. By myself. I had fun-a blast really. I want to go again. I was glad to get home to my crazy family. Flying on an airplane is just as fun as I remembered it. It sure felt a lot safer than the little 2-4 seater Jason was training in.
- I love snow. I think it's romantic. It is welcome to snow, snow, snow...until Feb 29th. Then I think it should be spring.
- I also love IKEA. And antique stores. When leaving, I have this panicked feeling that I missed something REALLY GOOD. There isn't enough TIME to see it all.
- This list could go on a lot longer, but it's not going to. So there.