28 February 2012

Remember I used to blog?

Yeah. It's been a while. I've been swamped with 3 moves in 8 months and all the craziness that ensues when one has 6 kids. Also, my camera has a broken pin in the cf card slot so I'm missing out on all the fabulous pictures I could have been taking. I think I can get it fixed, but for now, there will be picture-less posts. I will sit down sometime soon for an update post but for now, this is what you get. On top of that, I'm not feelin' the love of blogging. Ya know?

Random thoughts:

  1. Dealing with insurance is a sticky business. BUT, I would rather call my insurance company every day than have to deal with medicaid again. The end.
  2. I am addicted to pinterest. However, I reserve the right to "pin" things but never attempt to make anything I pin.
  3. My kids are GOOD kids. Holy cow. They have really been through a lot, and when you add medication and stuff to the load, I think they are holding up really well, and anyone who thinks (insert JUDGES) otherwise didn't take the time to get to know them.
  4. I went to Missouri. By myself. I had fun-a blast really. I want to go again. I was glad to get home to my crazy family. Flying on an airplane is just as fun as I remembered it. It sure felt a lot safer than the little 2-4 seater Jason was training in.
  5. I love snow. I think it's romantic. It is welcome to snow, snow, snow...until Feb 29th. Then I think it should be spring.
  6. I also love IKEA. And antique stores. When leaving, I have this panicked feeling that I missed something REALLY GOOD. There isn't enough TIME to see it all.
  7. This list could go on a lot longer, but it's not going to. So there.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It is about time. If you do not have a working camera then you must draw all of your pictures instead. Scan them in and then post them. On your mark, get set, go...