Also, after 6 months of searching, Jason landed MY -and I hope his-dream job. It's better pay, plus he can keep his other job part time and, best of all, it's work from home. WORK FROM HOME. You guys. For real. We turned our school room into an office.
We're working on a long desk I'm going to paint gray for the kids' computers. Check it: I even got him a love fern.

Thirdly, and best of alls is the news that baby number 8 will join us around Halloween. I'm very sick and exhausted. Plus my body by this time is like, "HCG?!! Bloat! Bloat! Bloat!" And my butt, thighs, and uterus are like, "Sir, yes Sir!" And the rest of me goes awol. 😜 but we feel so much peace knowing that Heavenly Father is blessing us with another of his beautiful spirits.
Pictures from lately:
Aunt Kristen bought the girls Easter dresses. We are on the hunt for white tees and cute sweaters.
Also. Jason was able to fix our washer AND after 2.5 months, our landlord got our dishwasher repaired. I'm about to have a dishwasher AND a washing machine. I'm here to tell you that absence DOES make the heart grow fonder.