24 October 2008

Crazy thougts, new addiction, and general catch-up

So, I am basically crazy. I know a lot of you are thinking "5 kids in 6 years, yeah she is," but that's not what I mean exactly. It's crazy that I have 5 stinkin cute kids and a freakin hot husband but sometimes I still feel ungrateful! Shame on me. I'm living the good life. Natalie is fitting right in and has actually added an ounce of extra serenity into our home. ("Quiet voices, the baby is sleeping.") The other kids love her and so they obey when I ask them to do things for her sake. I'm not sleeping but, at least while I'm awake, I get to hold and cuddle the baby.

My new addiction is my latest reason for my inactivity here on the blog. My mom got me addicted to Goodreads (thanks a lot mom) and every time I go to the site I plan on just staying for a few minutes. An hour later, I'm still there. I know I'm not the only one who enjoys this site. Honk if you love reading! I think they should make one for movies and music. Then I could spend all of my time on the computer and let the kids stay up late every night because I'm in the middle of adding new things...bedtime can wait. Honk if you love bedtime!!!

In other news, Ben celebrated his 7th birthday!! We love our Ben and think he is the greatest big brother ever. He's developing his musical talents further. The other day he got out Jason's guitar and figured out how to pluck out melodies all on his own. He's got a really good ear. Picture to come later-I haven't been able to get him to stand still long enough for me to take a good picture.


Anonymous said...

HONK HONK!!!! on both subjects. I love getting my goodreads updates more than comments on my blog :-)

Anonymous said...

What the heck is Goodreads? I'll have to check it out. But lately I've been on Facebook. :)