20 March 2009

Movie Quotes and My Life

Have you ever realized how often movie quotes run side by side with your life? I'm always quoting things under my breath as I go along. I decided to make a quiz of some of them. Too much time on my hands you say? Maybe but first prize will win something, like recognition and fame on my blog. Here goes...

  1. "Uhhh, the timing is off on the turbo flush!" It's time to replace our beloved Monclair- who literally is having a problem with the turbo flush.
  2. "Ummmm ....Brandon?" Sometimes I can't remember my own name either. Or how old I am, or my kids social security numbers, birth weights, and birthdays.
  3. "Death to all tyrants!" You know who you are. This applies to stupid people too.
  4. "Let's get out of here before one of those things kills Guy." The rush to get into the car on Sunday morning sometimes becomes a life and death struggle of epic proportions.
  5. "Kitty Kar" (insert: I HATE it when people use alliteration with incorrect spelling.) "Kitty Kar, are you there, I need you to go to 2nd street and Elm." "Oh I can't today is the pet show, the boys have softball, the girls have a dance recital, and the PTA is coming at 6". (that was paraphrasing but you get the idea. We ARE "Kitty kar."
  6. "Why can't you have a little faith in me, that's all, just a little faith?" When are my kids going to stop panicking at any change in the routine? Possibly never.
  7. "Ha ha ha ha ha ha" Hysterical laughing from Tom Hanks. My house feels like his. At least the kitchen and the bathroom that need repairs that I can't sink any more money into.
  8. "Are you afraid of silence Mrs. peacock?" "Yes ah what? NO! Why?" "You seem to be suffering from what we call 'pressure of speech.'" Has anyone ever talked to my daughter Jane?
  9. "Thank you, Eunice, you look very nice too." "Well I haven't gotten dressed yet Howard." My husband still thinks I look nice first thing in the morning. He told me so. I'm so lucky!
  10. "Last night Darth Vader came to my room and told me that if I didn't ask Lorraine to the dance, he'd melt my brain." I like to live in my own dream world sometimes too. It keeps me sane.
  11. "Fire?! OHhhhhh! I'm sick and tired of all these things that have been happening to me! And somebody better do something about it soon." No explanation needed.
  12. This one is from TV. "I don't wanna be a pirate." Sometimes, I really don't WANT to follow the current fashion trends. They are really quite ridiculous. Sometimes. I must admit that I actually do Like the pointy toed stiletto heels (gasp) and the chunky jewelry (too bad I can't accessorize to save my life). I do not like the grungy 80's rocker neon stuff. It hasn't been long enough since the 80's. I'm still recovering.
And here are some bonuses:
  • "You're the sausage king of Chicago?"
  • "Well I feel like an idiot! Drinking, and crying...and mowing."
  • "Do you want me to feed you?"
Here are some recent photos of the kids that have absolutely nothing to do with this post. Benjamin had 2 writing assignments that I thought were hilarious. He had to write what he would do if he were president. He said he would make "rools" that no kidnapping or stealing were allowed and he would make money with his picture on it. The other assignment asked them to say what they would buy if they had $100. Ben said he would buy a tie fighter from "Star Wars."


Heather said...

How in the world can your mommy brain recall that many lines from movies?

Cute pics, by the way! :)

Anonymous said...

Okay, I know a few but not many. Are you going to post answers soon??

"Are you afraid of silence Mrs. peacock?" "Yes ah what? NO! Why?" "You seem to be suffering from what we call 'pressure of speech.'" -This is from Clue, pretty sure. :)

I accidentally deleted this one but I think it's from What's Up Doc. Is that right??

"Last night Darth Vader came to my room and told me that if I didn't ask Lorraine to the dance, he'd melt my brain." -This is from Back to the Future!!

"I don't wanna be a pirate." -Seinfeld. Classic!

"You're the sausage king of Chicago?"-Ferris Bueler!

Unknown said...

I recognized SOME of those! haha It is SO Funny you blogged about this. Just the other day we watched "The Princess Bride" and I thought of Jason and how he had the whole movie memorized in high school.

Unknown said...

1. Scavenger Hunt
3.Support your local sheriff? sounds very familiar.
5.North avenue irregulars
7. Money Pit
9.What's up doc
10.Back to the Future
11.Support your local sheriff
last bonus is the great race
p.s. thanks for the photos

Nancy T said...

1.Scavenger Hunt 2.? 3. Support Your Local Sheriff 4.? 5. North Avenue Irregulars 6. It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad World 7. The Money Pit 8. Clue 9. what's Up Doc 10. Back to the Future 11. Support Your Local Sheriff 12. Seinfeld
bonus 1. Ferris Beuhler bonus 2.?
bonus 3. The Great Race

Dan and Melissa said...

What a funny post! Just reminded me of you and Jas! We love you guys! Thank-you so much for your post. That was so nice of you. The truth is I feel the same way about you. You're one of the strongest most faithful most beautiful women I know! HONESTLY!

Nora Mair said...

Galaxy Quest! We pick out the "guys" in Lost and other shows where disposable cast members pop up. That Liam is adorable!

Michelle said...

1. Scavenger Hunt
2. Galaxy Quest
3. Support Your Local Sheriff
4. Galaxy Quest
5. North Ave. Irregulars
6. Mad World
7. Money Pit
8. Clue
9. What's up Doc
10. Back to the Future
11. Support Your Local Sheriff
Bonus 1. Ferris Beuler's Day Off
2. Send Me no Flowers
3. The Great Race