08 March 2009

Twilight Movie

AHHHHHH! OMG! Robert Pattinson is such a super hottie bum! Ha ha ha. Not really. My sister and I spent a precious dollar Saturday on a movie that held plenty of entertainment for all the wrong reasons. I think one of my favorite parts was when "Edward" steps up to the light to reveal his skin in the sunlight, the music is building, the scenery gorgeous, and he unbottons his shirt to reveal...dun dun dun dun,.a teenage chest (slighty sparkling) scattered with sparse patches of hair. Ewwww. Gross. Sad. We enjoyed ourselves in joining our giggles with the 13 year olds, whose starstruck eyes found exactly what they wanted. I found several things wrong with this movie, not that I was expecting much in the first place. A big one for me was that if you hadn't read the book before going, you wouldn't understand half of it but if you DID read the book than you expect more than they gave. The direction was terrible. (I heard they hired a new director for the next movie.) I didn't really feel that the actors were horrible, just that they seemed too rehearsed and were told the wrong way to portray their characters. The script was awkward and Edward never seemed scary but funny. On THAT subject, I think half of the problem was the music. There was no film music really, just rock music in the background-or silence. Isthat supposed to convet "scariness?" And don't even get me started on the way they pronounce "Debussy". Kristen leaned over and whispered "It's because he's British," which sent us giggling again.

All in all it was a good excuse for a fun girl's day out and worth the money for the stress relieving laugh. What did you think?


Red Dawg said...


I saw this pattern and it looks totally like your girls, so I am sending the link. Just for fun.

Tell me if the link works.

Unknown said...

I totally preordered my own copy! who could resist? I ask you!

Michelle said...

It's like "A Christmas Romance." If you watch it in the dark when no one is watching, you need not feel ashamed.

Carly G. said...

One of my favorite movie reviews said that the main girl's face looked like she was in "the throes of pain" throughout the entire movie.
That, or maybe she was just constipated.

Unknown said...

I haven't seen this movie yet or read the books. Am I insane and out of the loop? I guess so. Carly, I thought the same thing from the previews... that girl ate too many burritos or something.

Faith Eshelman said...

I'm still not too sure I want to delve into a vampire romance. I still can't get past the cheesiness of it all.
However, it was very entertaining to listen to my cousin's obsession and narration of the books over a girl's night out dinner. She'd pause from time to time, admitting to the cheese, but still couldn't help but be hypnotized by the books.
She pretended she had the stomach flu and spent most of the day in the bathroom,away from her husband and 3 year old, just to finish the book. ;)
I do wish that Stephenie Meyer would write a different series though. I hear she's an excellent writer.

Nora Mair said...

I'm with you Michelle. When he climbs the trees it's eye rolling.

skcoe said...

No, no, no... my favorite laugh out loud part is where he sees (smells) her for the first time in class and he just...can't...control himself! Ohhh, I'm buying this just for the entertainment value. It's out this week, right?