24 April 2009

3 All-NEW Posts!

It's been a while since I posted. It seems like it's been a while since I've done anything while I waited for the skies to clear so I could emerge, with the rest of my neighbors, from hibernation. We've been busy since we can now go outside. Natalie is growing up. She has 2 teeth now, is trying to crawl and pull herself up on the furniture, and can wear a little baby sized clip in her hair. She likes to sit in the sun under an umbrella and try to eat the grass while I try to keep it from her fat little fists and mouth. (The little hat she is wearing was made by grandma.) Lizzy and Jane spend most of the day in dress-ups and throw a fit each time I insist they take them off before going outside. Liam is SUPER busy. He started taking Zyrtec every morning for his mastocytosis and hardly ever seems to itch now. He is always pretending to have a cape on and that he has some super powers. Ben has been a star student. He has had 6 count them 6, 100% spelling tests in a row. WOOT WOOT for BEN! He also discovered the other week that he can now ride his bike without the training wheels.


Jenny said...

I'm loving the weather too, finally the kids can go outside, it's so wonderful.

Anonymous said...

hey i got your number and will call you soon!!

kam said...

My! What smart and adorable children you have Michelle :) LOVE the easter outfits!!! Wish I could sew ;)