14 June 2009

Summerfest and pictures for Amy

We followed tradition and attended the Orem Summerfest on Saturday. For years we've sat on center street because it's a great location to watch the fireworks. In recent years, however, some "undesirables," shall we say, have been horning in on our spot. (Last year someone took our blanket that we had set out and threw it into a field. Probably invaders and spies from Provo.) This year, my sister-in-law had the brilliant idea of moving our spot. It was AWESOME! We got all sorts of candy, t-shirts, and ties. The rain abated long enough for us to enjoy the parade and then walk to the car. We didn't stay for the fireworks this year- which are better than any other city's- because of the rain. I think it was good to get the kids home and into bed. Not to mention myself...I was drifting off to sleep in my warm, dry bed as the fireworks started. I love the summerfest. Here are the reasons why it's so much better than Provo's stupid freedom festival:
  • We have ours at night and earlier in the summer so you don't get 3rd degree burns.
  • While we do have what has been affectionatelty christened "the slut strut," at least people don't get into fist fights over the good spots to sit.
  • We don't have to pay to watch the fireworks.
  • Orem is better than Provo.
For those of you who have ever gone to a parade with my sister, Amy, you know how much she adds to the affair. We tried to fill her shoes this year, asking the beauty queens to show off their dresses for us and spin around. While we weren't as successful has her, we did get some good pictues. So, Amy these pictures are for you.


Jenny said...

k so did you notice the girl in the middle of the ones in white? Totaly could see her panties, hi, wear a slip :) I think I agree with you on the whole Orem is better, Provo didn't even have any little rides for the kids last year. And I love that the weather was so perfect, not super hot like years past.

Unknown said...

Hey! Nice! I was totally missing the "Fest" this year! Glad you all could go. The rainbow picture is neat. Where did you all end up sitting and was the strut as good there?

Michelle said...

We sat on 8th east in front of that church. The strut was non-existent but it was a great seat.