18 December 2010

You Know the Drill

Eli was a naughty baby who does dastardly deeds for Halloween.

It's been such a long while since I have posted. Everything is it's usual crazy stuff around here. Here are a few quick highlights:

  1. Eli started walking the day he turned 10 months old. He toddles- I should say shuffles- around on his tiny little feet like an old man. Already he has mastered turning and has done away with the pivot turn. He keeps trying to run to keep up with his siblings. The kid is crazy. He LOVES telephones and throws a royal fit if he can see one and no one will give it to him. Natalie loves to find him and hug him. Today they were both snuggling on my chest holding hands.
  2. We've survived the recent flu/cold bout. It has been AWFUL! The twins missed almost an entire week of school. They were sad it was the pre-Christmas week with all the fun activities. I knew they were sick when they took naps voluntarily (where actual sleeping and not just resting were involved) for 3 days in a row.
  3. Jason was laid off the week before Thanksgiving. We're very grateful that I felt a push to get the shopping done really early this year and had Christmas pretty much bought and paid for before it happened. He's been working hard applying for jobs, serving, working on skills, and doing any odd jobs on the side he can find. I'm so grateful for his hard work!
  4. I missed a birthday post for Ben. He's grown up so much this year! He keeps getting tall so fast that his body can't seem to get sufficiently wide enough. He keeps getting skinnier and skinnier! He spends every second he can either drawing or playing outside and has become quite the artist. He loves scouts and we've signed him up to play basketball through the rec center starting in January. He is SO EXCITED! Eli and Natalie are always waiting for their turn to sit with him and Liam follows him around as much as possible-to Ben's great annoyance. The big news is that Ben has found love at last! He has a girlfriend named Ellie. We first discovered this when he wrote "Ben loves Ellie" in the snow with a stick. Later, we found he had written "Ben loves Ellie forever" on the bottom of Liam's mattress. Sounds like things are getting serious. I asked him what it means to have a girlfriend in 3rd grade. (Since they don't play together at recess.) He said he didn't know.
  5. I got released from my primary calling and find myself adrift in the ward. The bishop said I'm on his radar but for now, I'm freeloading. Ha ha! I loved serving as the secretary and getting to know those kids, even though my time in there was brief. The women I worked with are amazing.
  6. I've started accompanying a singing group of women. It has been a BLAST. We meet after the kids are in bed on Sunday evenings. I feel spoiled to be included into what I would consider the popular group. These women are courageous and have incredible talents and testimonies. I've learned so much from them.
  7. We took our condo off the market and Kristen and Ron moved in at the beginning of November. The plan is to rent it out for a while and then try to sell it later when we have the energy to try again.
  8. We are going through some major challenges but are so grateful for the gospel and all of the things we've learned during this trial! We have really come to value being with our children and each other. We're so grateful for the life of our Saviour, who has given us the chance to be together forever. We love Him and are grateful for His help and blessings! Merry Christmas to all of you!


Anonymous said...

You and your family are so incredibly cute! Love the mustache!!

Marianne said...

Michelle, I am getting our Christmas cards sent out ridiculously late, and need your address! Will you email me at olsonlove@comcast.net? I can't believe how grown-up your kids are getting! We really need to make time to get together soon. Shame on us!

Jenny said...

Missed you guys at Thanksgiving. So sorry to hear that Jason lost his job, I know you guys haven't had the best of luck, my heart goes out to you and your family and I pray that he will find a good job very soon, you guys need and deserve a break. Love you all and hope you have a great Christmas!

kam said...

My word, you guys have your share of trials! I love how inspired you are Michelle, that you knew and followed a prompting to get Christmas in order early. God always provides for those who love and listen to Him. I wish I had more of that "listening" quality :). I am glad that things are slowly getting better with your family's health. I am also glad to hear that your kids haven't stopped growing, based on your update on Ben ;). I pray that Jason's hard work will pay off in AWESOME employment soon. I am so glad to hear you have a fun outlet of singing with amazing women like yourself. I knew you guys were musically talented, I just didn't realize your gift was vocal too :). We miss seeing you guys and hope that sometime soon we can all get together...maybe after Shawna and Scott have their baby? Thank you for sharing your beautiful testimony, Michelle, the world needs more women like you. Merry Christmas my friend! :)
(p.s. hmmm, I think this "comment" more closely resembles a "lengthy letter" what do you think? ;)