10 March 2010

Happy Freakin Birthday

Happy birthday to my little sister! We had lots of fun growing up and playing together.
My favorite things to do with Amy:

We invented all kinds of games to play at night "to help us fall asleep" but really to keep ourselves awake. We would use the ceiling tiles to find shapes and pictures and challenge each other to find them using a grid for reference. "I see a duck in A-4". We would listen to the We Sing Silly Songs, Bright Tapes, and The Safety Kids tapes over and over, taking turns conducting.

If I could talk her into it, we spent many a Sunday playing card games. I still remember her trying to keep her cards in PRISTINE condition. No shuffling. Just put them on the ground and mix them up so they don't get bent.

Playing with the Schumanns. We would hide in the back of their car when they went home so we could play together longer.

Playing "maid" with Kristen too. We would sit on the couch and order Kristen to bring us food and do chores for us. Kristen liked to be Cinderella and we liked to be in charge.

Anything that involved creativity, Amy always came up with good ideas for make believe.

Amy was always good for a laugh too. She comes up with wild things, like the bobos and other such nonsense.

I think one of my top memories is standing on the Nielson's front sidewalk and her showing us how to do the running man to Paula Abdul's "Opposites Attract".

Happy Birthday Sner, I hope you get you DOLE HOWSE!

The video below is the Bobos. I wasn't there when this was performed but my jaw still hurts after I watch it from laughing so hard.


Danielson Family said...

Happy Birthday Amy! I know it was yesterday but I didn't have time to put a post up. I hope it was a good day!

Anonymous said...

HAHAHAHA!!! Wow, I feel like I learned so much about you just now. :)

Devin & Nikki Choules said...

Why did I never get in on playing "maid"? Katelyn and Kristen could have been the best maids EVER! My favorite memory of Amy is when she made Kendall and I play Monopoly for 1 month straight. Everyday. All day. Still have not played that game to this day after that.

Faith Eshelman said...

Fantastic! :) Loved it! My cheeks are hurting. And it's always funnier when you know the person. I'm sure my abs would have been hurting too. Looks like you have a fun family.