06 March 2010


To all my neighbors within a one mile radius: I can explain the screaming. And the shouting. Take 6 children that involve the following lovely combos: 3 (at least) who have ADHD and no meds today, 2 who can't make their pee find the toilet, 1 who saved up until he created a poopy blow out that went all the way up to his neck, one who lost her diaper (also poopy) on the carpet, and no sleep- it gets interesting here in the morning. NOW, let's add-oh....say...husband is at work. Now it gets a little hairy. NOWWWW, let's add the home inspector is coming at 11:00 and it gets crazy. Not only is the home inspector coming, but he's bringing the buyers with him. It would also be fun to factor in the fact that some kids forgot to wear pull-ups last night and triple our laundry for the morning. And WHILE we are on the subject of pee, let's just say that the angel baby boy peed on the recently laundered sheets on my newly made bed. Let's just say. Pretend. OR, we could LIVE it! Yeah, that would be fun. But let's not call social services. I swear I didn't spank anyone! Except, actually I only spanked two little twinlets who were running through the house NAKED, screaming, and giggling for 20 minutes before I lost it. (But really, the spanks were wimpy spanks that just made them laugh harder.) There's nothing wrong here!! Move along about your business.
On the positive side of things, the reason the home inspector came is because after 5 days on the market, we sold our condo!! We are now looking for somewhere to go. ..... anywhere.


Heather said...

Seriously? You SOLD it already? What's your secret? Ready to come and buy MY house? :)

danette said...

Wow, sounds like the life of a Mother. We all understand. If isn't one thing it is another. Sometimes I need to remind myself this to shall pass. Usually when I do that, I think Oh I don't really want it to pass. I like having little kids.

Stephanie said...

oh my gosh! how do you do it everyday?!??? you are one amazing woman! and yay for selling your condo!!! hope you guys find a new home by the time you need to!

Anonymous said...

You're my hero. Also...since I AM a social worker...sounds like you're doing a pretty darn good job! I certaintly couldn't do all that! I wanna know where you guys are moving to as soon as you know, ok? :)

Marianne said...

Oh, Michelle. I'm so glad to know that I'm not the only mommy who has an occasional temper tantrum and YELLS! What a refreshing blog post. Sometimes I don't like reading other blogs because I feel like so many moms are out there to brag about how wonderful they are and all the cute and sweet and wonderful and perfect things they do for their perfect kids and husbands. Ugh. It can be too much to take for a "normal" mom! :0) (Except that I DO have the perfect kids and husband who are patient with their own "normal" mommy!!)

Nancy T said...

You forgot to mention getting ready for Eli's blessing the next morning...and oh yeah, about almost burning down the house!

kam said...

YEAH!! You sold your house! I know that adds some stress in finding a new place- but YEAH just the same! And I would cut yourself some slack on the rotten few days you had. It sounds like you and Jason will need a get-away after all this stress passes. Good luck with the move. :)