11 January 2011

I live at the Pediatrician's Office

In October, I took Ben in to the pediatrician for a well check and cheekily told the doctor that I hoped I wouldn't see him for the rest of the year. Ha ha. The next week, Liam broke his collar bone. Then commenced what will be called the winter of the ear infections for Natalie and Eli. This consisted of about 5 visits to the doctor, 3 antibiotics, and 3 shots. Nice. Back to the Doctor in January for an ADHD evaluation for Jane, ear check (AGAIN) for the babies, and a well check for Eli. Jane tested positive for ADD (what a shock!) so she gets to go back in 4 weeks to check on her meds. Fun. I'm guessing at this point that Eli will get tubes in his ear sometime this year. Well, I live at the office, so it's no strain on me!

Speaking of ADD, when I picked Jane up, the principal helped me check her out. He asked her if she got to go get a special lunch after he appointment. Jane used her ADD hyperfocus ability and kept reminding me about taking her to Wendy's. Let me just interject here and say that she hates Wendy's. She doesn't like hamburgers, fries, chicken nuggets, or cheeseburgers. I reminded her of this on the way home. I told her she could pick from the above mentioned items or go home for lunch. I told her that under no circumstances was I going to buy ice cream while it was 3 degrees outside. She picked peanut butter sandwiches at home.
In fact, once I picked her up, she didn't stop talking the ENTIRE TIME, until after trying several times to get her attention, she finally heard me say "Please don't talk to me while I'm talking to the doctor." (He was laughing). At one point, this was what she was saying:
"Hey Mom! Look! There's a alien on that moon. (The doctor had space themed paintings on the wall.) Huh. That's funny. Hey! That's it! The man in the moon is an ALIEN! Because, people can't go in the moon they can only go on the moon. But aliens can go in it because they live there. Oooh. I get it. Huh. I've never met the man on the moon..." and on and on. She cracks me up still.

I love being a mom.


Stephanie said...

holy hannah! how do you do it?!? i love reading about your adventures, it reminds me i shouldn't complain with two.

Unknown said...

I could send you a book on aliens. Would that help? How about a childrens encyclopedia? That way, you always have something to discuss.