24 January 2011

Birthday and Cakes

Eli turned one this week! I cannot believe how fast this year went by! He's such a funny kid. He likes to tease me and make me chase him. He giggles with the kids and loves to sit in our family prayer circle at night. He is always challenging Ben to lightsaber fights and loves to wrestle with Liam and Natalie. He can say mama, da, uh-oh, thanks, and hello. He's a smart little guy.

We let the kids vote and they picked to go to Pirate Island to celebrate his birthday. We had a blast together! The kids got a lot of tickets, which they combined so they could have a lot more tickets. They ate, they giggled, they left without anyone creating a scene or getting lost. Eli sat in his high chair and grinned and giggled at everyone around him.

Afterward, we headed home for cake and ice cream. Before we knew it, it was bedtime.

Elijah's birthday was a whirlwind, he chose to only wait an hour and 45 minutes from the time labor started to making his grand entrance. He immediately stretched out as much as he could and went to sleep. He still loves to be free and able to move about and stretch. He's learning to go to sleep on his own and loves to eat! We're so grateful for him in our family.

The other day, Jason and I watched the movie about Julia Child. That combined with a recent viewing of "No Reservations," my mom's new cookbook that arrived in the mail the other day ("Martha Stewart's), and a secret addiction to "Cake Boss," I suddenly felt like making something a little complicated...and blogging about it. Of course, it turned out nothing like the picture in the book, but my-oh-my it was a scrumptious piece of confectionery goodness. It would have to be with 3 cubes of real butter and LOTS of chocolate to soothe the senses. This is all that was left:

It was supposed to be a devil's food cake with whipped ganache (don't you love that word) filling and a mint chocolate ganache icing. Well. I was in too much of a hurry to wait for the whipped filling, so I just used whipped cream and the icing was very runny, but very satisfying. Altogether, I'd say that it was worth all the calories, fat, and HUGE mess. (seriously, it was a big mess, there were even chocolate paw prints on the floor.)

Let's all say ganache. Ganache. Ganache. Ga-yummy!


Contessa Elegante said...

Yay! Happy birthday to Eli!! Glad it was so great!
And, that does look like a yummy treat!

Unknown said...


kam said...

There is NO way your little guy is already a year old!! :) As for your homemade dessert, it looks heavenly. At the risk of sounding supremely ignorant, what in the world is ganache? :)

Michelle said...

I didn't know what it was either. It's a type of icing made with melted chocolate and cream.

Carly G. said...

Ganache sounds amazing, and also sounds very sophisticated when mentioning in conversation :)
I love the first picture of Elijah, he looks as happy as a clam (whatever that means, anyway.)
Great job, momma!