02 April 2008

Dates and Family Togetherness

We needed to get out of the house the other day and had the idea to drive up to the new temple being built on traverse mountain. It was a beautiful drive. We could see all the way from Salt Lake down to Nebo Mountain. What a beautiful place for the Lord to lead the saints to! We are so blessed to live here in the "desert" ! The temples around us are such a blessing and comfort to me and I'm greatful to have such easy access to them and their blessings.

Today my mom took the twins for the night (bless her) so it was just me and the boys. The boys took me two Denny's for lunch. It was a silly time! My kids are such dippers. (If you have no idea what I mean by "dipper" you're not one) Liam couldn't wait for the waitress to bring the ketchup so he dipped his fries in Ben's syrup. Yummy. We sat by a large window and watched a city worker use one of those cherry picker trucks to change the light bulb in one of those big city street lamps. The food was...well...Denny's quality, but we had a lot of fun together!


Adam and Liz said...

Hi Michelle, This is your cousin Elizabeth. I got a link to your blog from Heather. You and your kids are so cute!!! Wow, sounds like you have lots of fun with your kids! and the lesson about the extended family... Thanks! You are the best! Just to let you know, I have a blog at elizabethandadam@blogspot.com.

mae said...

Hello. This is kind of awkward but here goes! My name is Mae. I am a distant cousin of Jason's. We have a common ancestor-Hugh Findlay. Ask Jacob, he can tell you all about him. Anyway, just wanted to say hello and hope you don't mind me peeking at your cute family! I love the whistles and the dancing! Hilarious!

Jenny said...

Wow, I didn't know the temple was that far along. Thanks for sharing the pictures, is it supposed to be like the Timp and Bountiful temples? How's the pregnancy going? Hope you are feeling good.

skcoe said...

I have a son that is a MAJOR dipper so I totally understand. I'm talking apples in yogurt, fries in ketchup, hamburgers in mustard, nuggets in BBQ... ANYTHING in ice cream (that's a weird one).

What a nice day with your family-
And Jason, I LOVE the pic of you in the airplane!