29 April 2008

My "Hip" post- here you go Amy!

This picture was taken right after we left a concert. It was hot, an hour and a half past bedtime and time to go. (The concert was only half way through.)

Apparently my posts lately have been lame. Yeah, yeah yeah. I know. Life has been happening to me lately and it seems that the days have been going faster and faster. The big event this week was Ben's field trip to the Thanksgiving point farm. It was a perfect sunny day, and I was in charge of 4 cute kids (including Ben and his "friend" Audrey- more on her later). We rode the bus-which I think the kids thought was the best part. I got some really great pictures. Great pictures. Too bad I had the settings on the camera wrong and I lost all of them as I took them. Just an example of life happening to me. I was released from Young Women this month as well. So far I've really missed it but, I've been sleeping better and I seem to be more organized since then.:)

The baby has become very active. I started feeling him around 3 weeks ago. I don't remember any of my other kids being this active in the womb. He's strong and healthy and right on schedule for development. We say "he" because we are pretty sure that it's a boy but I won't have my ultrasound for a few more weeks. Let's hear some name suggestions...I can't think of anything that fits. My doctor told me I could have 10 more kids if I wanted to. Ha Ha! Funny. I must have looked at him with my jaw at my feet because he sobered up really quickly and said "But not if you don't want to. I was kidding."

Also, some exciting news, Liam's spots are starting to fade. We noticed places where there are no spots and every day the area grows bigger!

Here are some random recent pictures. For you, Amy.


Red Dawg said...

Yeah for no spots! I wish mine wore off after childhood. Oh well.

Unknown said...

Well, that's a little better but next time the kids should be smiling! And I still need to see the other kid so add some belly to the mix please! Thank you, and so cool about Liam. My ward will be so excited to hear that. They still ask about him all the time.

Anonymous said...

If you use the name Jack I could live through you. I love that name..just don't shorten it to Jax

Michelle said...

Ugh! Being married to a school teacher who has to figure out the weird names and their spellings out there I'm really anti-weird name spelling. Jax...yuck. I love the name Jack. Cute!

Stephanie said...

are liam's spots all supposed to be gone eventually? that is wonderful news that they are clearing up! i would love to see pictues of your belly do but some on! i like the name Dallen for a boy. ;)