09 September 2009


Getting To Know Me Better


Carly tagged me here. I tag Amy, Kristen, and Dedra

Take this survey

If you could see any band in concert, who would it be?
Honestly? Probably the opera.

Does your family have a garden?
Yes. My parents do and I pretend it's mine.

If you could have 3 wild animals as pets, what would you pick?
3 tigers

What style of clothes do you normally wear?
Mom uniform: jeans and any clean shirt I can find.

Do you play any sports on an actual team?

If you were to dye your hair, what color?
My hair color is the only thing I like about my appearance.

What is your favorite music genre?

When is the last time you actually went running?
I college. My body protested violently by making me sick.

Milkshakes or Sundaes?
Sundaes, with Arctic Circle french fries.

How many songs are on your music player on your computer?
That's Jason's department

Eyeliner or lipstick?
Eyeliner. There aren't many shades that go with red hair.

Hair with volume or flat, straight, thin hair?
Smooth please.

Have you ever colored your own hair?

What kind of shoes do you have on?
Flip flops

Do you have a doorbell?
yes-please knock.

Have you ever pet a camel?
Camel's are scarier than anything else at the zoo.

What about a cow?

What's the craziest name you've given a pet?
Do my kids count?

What comdiments do you like on your hotdog?
Just Ketchup

What is your favorite gum?
anything with whitening.

Do you over use the saying "your mom"?
Of course!

How often do you sit around on your butt?
As often as I can with 5 kids.

Do you think you have great hair?
?! No way.

Ever cut your hair yourself?
Nope. I cry when professionals do it. What would my reaction be if I did it myself? I shudder to

Current thing that is making you happy?
My family.

What color are the blankets on your bed?

Do you like watermelons more or cherries?

Last time someone recorded you on a video camera?
Natalie's birth (afterwards of course.)

Last time someone took a picture of you?
I can't remember but it was probably Jason.

Can you say your abc's backwards?
Who can't?

What color is your shirt?

Do you know anyone shorter than you?
My kids

Taller than you?
All of my brothers and sisters

Where are your ancestors from?
Mostly the British Isles, some from France

What do you order at taco bell?
Chicken soft taco. But Taco Time is way better.

Has a dog ever licked your mouth?
no way

Do you know what crop dusting is?

What can you cook the best?
Ask my husband

Have you ever gave or been given a hickey?
I'm pleading the 5th

Tell us a memory from riding the school bus:
The Larencos wouldn't let us get on. Finally, the bus driver kicked them all off.

Do you have allergies to anything?
Probably, but I can't figure them out.

Would you adopt a child?
I used to say I would, but now I don't think so.

Last lie you told?
I never lie. I'm just like Superman.

Do you know how to dance salsa?
Once upon a time...

Are you obsessed with anything?
Reading, quilting, and my family.

Do you like it when it rains?
Yes. Especially at night.

What was the last thing you bought?
A maternity shirt. Is it too hard to make one with sleeves that doesn't have to have an undershirt?

Are you going to do another survey now?


MySpace Surveys

1 comment:

kam said...

Michelle- can you REALLY say the abc's backwards? I'm impressed :)