25 September 2009

Natalie is ONE

Here are some random pictures I had from the first day of school. The day they started, blogger wouldn't let me upload pictures for some reason.

Ben is enjoying 2nd grade. He has all kinds of friends that he wants to bring home or invite to his birthday party. He really enjoys his computer class. Jane and Lizzy are just excited about everything there is about kindergarten. I walked them into their class on the first day and didn't cry, thank you very much. Their teacher put them at the same table but not next to each other. It's worked out great! Liam loves his preschool class. He is very excited every time I tell him he has school that day. He often puts his backpack on and waits outside in his pajamas. The picture I got of Liam is on my mom's camera. I'll post it later, but it's a typical silly pose by Liam where he's pretending to be a super hero.

The big new this week is the baby is ONE! She has been such a joy and a blessing to our family! She was the easiest delivery on record (if you don't count the false labor before) and slept through the night before she was 2 weeks old. She loves to snuggle, unless she's supposed to go to sleep. She's also discovered that she can pull Liam down and wrestle with him. They both think it's hilarious. She has a funny courtesy laugh and she started walking last month. She now occupies her time toddling like a penguin from one disaster to the next. Such an advanced baby.

She has earned herself all kinds of nicknames including: precious, peaches, monster baby, destructo, mabbers (Ben and Liam call her that), and nonsense.


Unknown said...

Happy Birthday Destructo! We have one of those too.

Nancy T said...

The first day of school pictures are priceless. I love that Lizzy and Jane's backpacks are as big as they are!

We sure love our little "Gnat"