09 September 2009

Liam's Birthday

My little guy is turning 4 today. It seems like I was just putting him in those little zip up pajamas and rocking him to sleep. He's a crazy kid now. This week working up to his birthday he's come up with some great comments:

"Hey Jane, I know why they're called Gran (Graham) crackers. Because they're for grandkids."
"No, they're for grand people, like grandmas and grandkids."
"Oh, yes. They are."

"YES! That's PERFECT for you face!"

"When I turn 7, I'm going to be a dad and go to work on a Tuesday."

When I asked him if he wanted to have his party at home or at the park he responded, "At Grandma's because it's a 'beery special pwace.'"

In a sing song tattletale voice- "Moooooom, Jane is freaking me out back here."

He likes to come up with silly games with Jane. He also REALLY likes construx, Star Wars, and GeoTrax. He plays quite contentedly by himself but also has lots of friends. He's a good guy and we are so glad he's in our family!


Carly G. said...

I love that he is going to start work on a Tuesday. How funny!
Give the guy a hug from us and tell him Happy BDay!

Nancy T said...

We sure love "Wiam Bwuce!"

Unknown said...

We thought of him yesterday. Hope his day was special!

Unknown said...

He's got the right idea. I work on Tuesdays.
What a cute little guy.

Faith Eshelman said...

Your kids come up with the funnest quotes. He must have creative parents or something. :)

Susanna said...

Awww, what a cutie! My little Liam and Luke turn five in a couple of weeks, time flies when your having fun! You guys really do have a super cute family, I love keeping up on your blog and seeing that you are all doing well!