06 January 2010

My Response-Guilty Pleasures

My cousin Carly sent a challenge to share 10 of my addictions/guilty pleasures-other than my family. It was not hard to think of these, merely to reduce the number to 10. Here they are:
  1. Sleeping in.
  2. Cheap boxes of chocolate like the "All American" selection from Maxfields.
  3. Puzzle Books
  4. Romance Novels (gasp) and yes, I've read this one! Embarrassing, but true. We must all admit our strangeness and become one with ourselves. I do, of course, read "classic" books as well.
  5. Snow and Christmas
  6. Buying shoes
  7. Eating "out"-if I don't have to think of what to make, or clean it up, I'm happy.
  8. Old Movies. Jean Arthur is a particular favorite of mine. Everyone looks good in black and white. (Note: in this picture she is 43 years old!)
  9. My nerd tendencies- Scrabble online and Stargate SG-1-yes that is Richard Dean Anderson.
  10. Board Games


Unknown said...

ha ha ha. RDA FOREVER!

Carly G. said...

These were great! I'll bet that you love board games for the same reason I do: Grandpa & Grandma's game closet in their old house. I LOVED that closet!
I love those old '40s movies too (even if the lens is smeared with vasoline!)
Sleeping in should definitely have been on my list, same with those dang puzzle books. I love the logic problems and the cryptograms. It makes me feel like Sherlock when I solve one.

Heather C. said...

'Unofficial Suitor'??

Ha ha! That is super funny!

Unknown said...

And so the truth comes out eh? I know of one of your other pleasures, though not so guilty... you love babies! Congratulations on your new one!