29 January 2010


Ooooh. So those are what my feet look like. Huh. I had forgotten. This week I feel like I'm slowly emerging from my pregnant body to my "normal" one. Just like a caterpillar. Emerging from "fuzzy and cuteness" to what SHOULD be beautiful elegance. One can only hope. Once I can get over the awkward transition phase- you know, where nothing fits. And I feel like I could climb a mountain, until I stand up and discover that my legs are still wobbly. (Don't worry, I haven't fallen down yet.) Plus there's the whole breast feeding body transition. I keep looking down and experiencing SHOCK. What are these THINGS? I've never had those before. Where do I put them? How're you supposed to sleep with them in the way? Advice?

I'd like to write a witty little paragraph here on how I feel about being a mommy of 6. Well. I'm still in the chrysalis phase here as well. Good thing I've got my mom and husband so close or I think I might possibly be dead. The older kids are gems. They love having Eli around. They like to sit and look at him several times a day. (So do I, by the way.) Natalie NEEDS to hold him. She wants to pat his head and face. a lot. (So do I, but I do it gently.)

I'm grateful for everyone's support and offers of help. I've had lots of snuggle time with the baby and I think I might actually survive this new adventure with some enjoyment. There's nothing like kids to keep one humble, happy, and centered.

P.S. If this post was difficult to understand or is disjointed, I claim exhausted mommy rambling syndrome. As Lizzy says, "thas ol."


Nancy T said...

How to sleep with your new body? Try the "brajamas!"

Nancy T said...

I'm having withdrawl. I haven't gotten to snuggle a baby today.

Dan and Melissa said...

What a cute post and one I can definitely relate to. By the way congrats on Elijah!!! He is so BEAUTIFUL Shelly!
I love that name as well it perfect.
We would love to see you some time soon...I even have a gift;) Love you!