07 February 2008

Pregnancy Odds and Ends

So, I've been thinking, (I know some of you are shocked) there are a lot of questions that have popped up in this pregnancy and others. Some of these I know the answers to but they still make me wonder. Here are the top 10:

  1. What happened to my body between pregnancy number 4 and this one? What is the deal? I feel HUGE!!!! It's not weight huge, it's that I feel so slow and HEAVY all the time. Isn't that supposed to happen during the second trimester? What's with this!!! I'm already starting to crave those huge pouch maternity pants that I can wear around my ribs, thus leaving my waist and tummy unrestrained. I know, that was more than one question. I'll move on...
  2. Why is it that when the parasite, I mean baby, is the size of a "sesame seed" I eat 10 meals a day but when it's the size of a watermelon, I only eat what I can force down? What's the point of 10 meals a day? I just throw it up anyway. Why not just skip the cravings and the food and the nausea and move on? How much of it actually gets to the baby?
  3. This question relates to the above question. Why do the websites all compare your baby's size to food? My favorite is the kumquat. Does anyone actually know what one looks like? I looked it up online once. The person compared the kumquat to a small kiwi. Why not just say "small kiwi" then? Has anyone out there even tried a kumquat? What do they taste like?
  4. Why do we always feel compelled to say things about a pregnant woman's size? My least favorite is when people say "you don't look big enough to be...." WELL I FEEL BIG ENOUGH AND BESIDES I EARNED THE SIZE OF MY TUMMY! Even sane women who have been pregnant before always feel strangely compelled to express their feelings to pregnant women. Why? Don't you know how dangerous it is? You know what the hormones do. Just stay away from the topic altogether. Nothing about weight is a compliment.
  5. What's up with the name Micheal Martin Murphy? I know it has nothing to do with pregnancy-except it makes me nauseas to hear it or think of it. ewwww
  6. Why, oh WHY does the unmarried, no children nurse ALWAYS think she knows what you're feeling and why you're feeling it? Don't tell me to calm down. YOU calm down...
  7. I used to love winter. Why is it still snowing? The color white is starting to make me nauseas. This has been the worst pregnancy for nausea so far and I'm convinced it's because the snow won't go away...
  8. Just how many brain cells do you lose during pregnancy and childbirth? I think I've already lost all of mine. Have you ever tried to explain to a 6 year old that movies aren't real life with no brain cells in your head. I don't think I finished any sentences. The other day Ben asked me what plus(+) means and I had to think really hard what the answer was.
  9. Why do we always move when I'm pregnant?
  10. How did I get so lucky as to be married to Jason? He gets up in the morning, organizes scripture study, gets the kids breakfast, unloads the dishwasher, and takes out all the garbage so I don't have to smell all the pee from the overnight pull-ups and diaper. Then he comes home from work, makes dinner, re-cleans the house, puts the kids (and me) to bed and studies and exercises. EVERY DAY! What a man!!! I love you Jas!


kam said...

LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!! I too wonder many of those same things...but the thoughts don't last long enough to be too deeply considered. I think for a moment...and then get HUNGRY and have to stop thinking and start EATING. If I think WHILE I eat, I will only depress myself- because most of the time the only thing that sounds or tastes good is JUNK food---I really don't want to greet a 50 lb weight gain with this pregnancy. Although I heard once that "ho ho's" and slurpees are good for growing babies right?!?! RIGHT?!?!

skcoe said...

Wait...are you MOVING?

Nora Mair said...

You're mom is an amazing lady. Best of luck with your kumquat soon to be 1/2 a banana.....

Jenny said...

You are funny Michelle. Hope you start feeling better soon. You really are lucky to have such a great hubby. I think my kid is the size of a cucumber now??

Jenny said...

Oh wait, I just looked up baby center, I guess I have a rutabaga now. What the heck does a rutabaga look like, I think that is as bad as kumquat.

Michelle said...

A rutabaga! That's hilarious. I laughed out loud.

Heather said...

Oh, Michelle, your blog always brings a smile to my face. I'm glad for the blogs, too--it seems I almost know you better than when we lived in the same state and would occasionally hit the summer movies at the Scera Theater (that's what it's called, right?) How far along are you now, anyway?

Tiffany said...

Oh my gosh!!! That was HILARIOUS!!! ...especially the one about the kumquat!!! Sorry you're morning sick!!