11 January 2008

Sappy Entry-read with caution

I've been going in for iron infusions at the cancer clinic once a week for the past couple of months. Today it struck me how really incredible those people are. Because I go at the same time each week, I've gotten to know a lot of the cancer patients a little. They are all so friendly and they like to tell me about themselves. I think I'm a magnet because I'm usually the only one under 60 in the room. I don't mind. They're incredible. There's Mae who comes in right before me every week. She can barely walk but she refuses the wheelchair every time. The receptionist walks her to her car every week and then stays and chats with her for a while. Then there's Doris. When she came in with her husband today, I had to hold back tears because they looked so much like my grandparents. They stood waiting to get checked in and Doris leaned on her husband for support. I saw him straighten up and move closer to her in support. He was old and thin and wrinkly and easily 70 years old. But there he was, physically and emotionally supporting his wife through hard times. I hope Jason and I are still that way in 4o years. And the new lady today (I don't know her name-yet) explained that she had to pace because she likes to walk but she was sick of going from the kitchen to the bedroom. She said she came from an athletic family. She has 20 grandsons, all over 6 1/2 feet tall with scholarships to play ball all across the country. She has bone marrow cancer. I know this is a sappy entry but it really struck me how lucky I am. I'm complaining about low iron and they're in the fight for their lives. I like they way they seek one another out and comfort each other. I like the way they don't waste time feeling awkward or self-conscious before opening up to one another. It's like they don't have time to waste for all that and they just get on with it. I hope I can be a little more outgoing and conscious of others needs before my own.


Unknown said...

Your entry reminds me of a work of art. I think each persons life is like a painting--some are so beautiful and meaningful that anyone would want that picture hanging in their home--while others are just canvases with a few drops of paint haphazardly dropped (like the so-called art at the Springville Art Museum from some 84 year old guy who threw up some paint and even stuck some styrofoam bowls to his canvas and called it art).
Thanks for your perspective and sharing the story.

kam said...

When we were talking on Saturday, you mentioned you blog, well of course I got curious and "stumbled" upon your blog. It was great to see you and your family...it had been TOO long. Your children are beautiful (of course ;). I didn't know you were having some health issues, good luck..and keep writing. Children naturally create such great material to write about don't they?